Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Hey Fans! Did you know that on an 80 degree day the temperature in your car can rise to over 100 degrees?

Heatstroke is a large concern for the safety of children. Here are some summer safety tips from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration:
  • Never leave a child unattended in a vehicle — even if the windows are partially open or the engine is running and the air conditioning is on
  • Make a habit of looking in the vehicle — front and back — before locking the door and walking away
  • Ask the childcare provider to call if the child does not show up for care as expected
  • Do things that serve as a reminder a child is in the vehicle, such as placing a purse or briefcase in the back seat to ensure no child is accidentally left in the vehicle, writing a note or using a stuffed animal placed in the driver's view to indicate a child is in the car seat
  • Teach children a vehicle is not a play area and store keys out of a child's reach

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