Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Saving Birmingham from High Prices: the Return of Serra Honda Man

Read all the way to the end for a debut of the latest commercial!

Who can defeat the monstrous Price Bot? Who can drop-kick a High Price Ninja? Who can save Birmingham from inflated prices on cars??

Serra Honda Girl, of course. Oh yes, and her burly sidekick, Serra Honda Man. The superhero duo flew back into Birmingham this past week for another round of commercials. If you’ve ever wondered how they can pull of their incredible stunts, come along for a backstage tour of the commercial shoot.

Serra Honda Man and Serra Honda Girl began their shoot in the early afternoon. (Serra Honda Man, also known as mild-mannered, general manger Gerrick Wilkins, had to do some car business first.) They shot their first scenes in the green screen room, aka, the conference room. It was there that Serra Honda Girl found the dinosaur…or rather his tail…to be incredibly fascinating! They launched an attack on the dino, did a few victory dances, and did their lines with little flubbing. Sometimes the lines were a little tongue-twistery but the superheroes powered through! The best line was an off-the-cuff comment from the little gal in pink. When asked by the director to smile showing her teeth, the little comedienne replied, “But I don’t have any left!” That’s what happens when young superheroes lose 3 front teeth in one week. (The week prior to shooting the commercial, no less!)

After finishing up some publicity photos against the green screen, the superheroes enjoyed a snack break and a few moments of rest before back on the set. With the Birmingham afternoon sun shining down and the wind cooling the air, the Serra Superheroes headed outside to battle a monster of a robot, the Price Bot. With Serra Honda Girl crouched beside a Civic, held captive in the ray of the Price Bot, the shooting began. The heroes had a few fans in the audience. Some walking by the store and a very young fan inside who was in awe of the Girl’s pink outfit. Outdoor filming was hard work but Serra Honda Man powered through and Serra Honda Girl took frequent snack breaks.

Finally the ninjas arrived. Serra Honda salesmen, Charles and Ricky, along with Hunter (dinosaur and robot actor), surrounded the superhero duo. But they would not prevail as Serra Honda Girl laid out the first ninja with a kick and a chop. Of course, much hilarity ensued as Serra Honda Girl, not wanting to inflict real injury on the salesman, gently tapped Ricky on the leg. Laughing ninja, giggling superhero…ah, life as an actor.

Of course, all the hard work happens after the shoot ended. Serra Honda Man and Girl will hang up their suits for a little while and Director Brian will head to his office to edit and create the magic of the Serra Honda Superheroes.

And now…enjoy the debut of Serra Honda’s New Commercial!

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