Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Honda Earns Highest Disclosure Scores Among Japanese Companies in Carbon Disclosure Project 2011 Global 500 Report

Way to go Honda!

The Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) commended Honda in its 9th annual report, the 2011 Global 500 Report, which analyzes the responses of the world's 500 largest companies to a CDP questionnaire regarding the company’s strategies and corporate governance to address climate change and the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.

Honda was recognized for its comprehensive information disclosure and listed as one of only 52 companies in the CDP's "Carbon Disclosure Leadership Index" (CDLI) with the highest score among all Japanese companies included in the survey. The CDLI features companies which have demonstrated the most professional approach to corporate governance regarding the disclosure of climate change information.

Honda was also featured as one of only 29 companies in CDP's "Carbon Performance Leadership Index" (CPLI). The CPLI was first established last year and highlights companies which have demonstrated a strong commitment to strategy, governance, stakeholder communications and emissions reduction in their CDP responses.

The CDP was established in the United Kingdom in 2000 as an independent not-for-profit organization and now represents 551 institutional investors with $71 trillion in assets. It has been operating with support from the governments of European countries and the U.S. as well as investors from all around the world. The CDP sends out standardized questionnaires to private-sector businesses and collects responses to analyze and disclose climate change information. The CDP now holds the largest database of primary corporate climate change information in the world.

Honda realizes that its proactive efforts in addressing climate change issues resulted in this recognition by CDP simultaneously in CDLI and CPLI. Honda will further enhance its environmental activities globally and locally in each region while at the same time taking a proactive approach to further advance its information disclosure practices.

In June of this year, Honda announced the Honda Environmental Vision: Realizing "the Joy and Freedom of Mobility" and "a Sustainable Society where People Can Enjoy Life." Toward the realization of this vision, Honda also introduced a global environmental slogan – "Blue Skies for Our Children." Honda will continue its company-wide effort to realize its environmental vision.

Press Release via Honda

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